The City Musick

The City Musick was formed by William Lyons to explore the diverse repertoire of civic and court wind bands in early modern Europe and is now firmly established as the premier renaissance wind band in the UK.

The City Musick made their BBC Proms debut in 2012 with a performance of Venetian music in collaboration with the vocal ensemble I Fagiolini. The Decca recording of this and that of the Striggio Mass, also involving the ensemble, have both met with great critical acclaim. The ongoing collaboration with I Fagiolini continues, with a recording of the magnificent Benevoli Missa Tu es Petrus released in 2023 and the next in the sequence of works by this sorely neglected composer being recorded in 2024. Their recording of music of the London Waits, The Topping Tooters of the Town received unanimous critical praise.

The new project by the ensemble: The Count & The Duke – A Renaissance Big Band was premiered at the Stour Festival and York Early Music Festival in 2023 and is a gloriously varied programme featuring a band of twenty shawms, dulcians, recorders, sackbuts, crumhorns, racketts, cornetts, trumpets, keyboards, strings and percussion.

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